Wednesday, July 15, 2015

8 Months!

  • Splashing is one of his top 5 favorite things to do.
  • He is constantly making noise. He says "mama" "dada" "baba" but I don't know if he knows what any of them mean.
  • He loves showing off that he can clap his hands and click his tongue.
  • He FINALLY has started moving when you set him down. I wouldn't say 'crawling', but at least he doesn't just roll to his back and stay there when you set him down. He uses one leg and one hand to scoot to the nearest toy.
  • He weighs 20 lbs... He hasn't gained any weight the last couple of weeks!
  • I love watching him discover things. He is so interested in anything you hand to him. His favorite things to learn about are jewelry, plastic cups, anything with buttons like a garage door opener or a cell phone, and other babies. 
  • He has more stranger danger than he ever has before but is still generally pretty friendly.
  • He still cracks up when you play peek-a-boo or pretend to eat him.
  • I just love him so much my heart could burst.

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